
The multi-tube shop-assembled Dustaclone from Thermax, consists of a housing containing a number of collection tubes, each of which is, in fact, a centrifugal dust collector. The dust laden gas entering the dirty air plenum moves downwards into the collecting tube (refer figure), being guided by a helical vaned annular ring. These vanes impart a smooth spiral movement to the gas, setting up a high centrifugal action.As the gas descends in a cyclonic pattern, the dust is thrown outwards and is discharged through peripheral slots in a shave-off boot. A vortex is formed at the bottom of the centrifugal tube and the clean gas forms an inner whirl which ascends vertically into a discharge (outlet) tube, and then collectively out of the unit through the outlet plenum.All the collectors are completely assembled to the extent practical for shipment, resulting in minimum erection man-hours and handling at the installation site.
Standard models in the Dustaclone-S range are now available:
- For gas volumes from 2,000 to more than 1,00,000 m3/hr
With tubes varying in number from 2 to 100
Features & Benefits
- Centrifugally cast – uniform thickness. Even the slightest shift of 1/50 in core placement can cause a reduction in thickness by 3 mm, leading to tube failure in a shorter time due to wear and tear
- Replaceable dust discharge boot – saves on replacement cost. Wear due to abrasion is maximum at the base of a collecting tube. A sturdy cast iron boltable boot at the base of the Dustaclone facilitates quick, economical replacement
- Peripheral dust discharge – avoids dust re-entrainment
- Integral mounting flange – effective sealing. There is an integral collar with lip and four holes for bolting