Evaporative Condenser

Thermax Evaporative Condenser operates in a manner wherein a condenser is integrated into a cooling tower which rejects the latent heat of condensation of refrigerant (Ammonia/Freon) through a coil to the surroundings by means of evaporation. Water sprayed onto the coil exchanges heat with the refrigerant.A small quantity of water is evaporated into the air thereby cooling the remaining water cascading to the basin at the bottom. Post evaporation the saturated air passes through the drift eliminators and then forced out using a fan.The coil serves to isolate the process fluid from the outside air, keeping it clean and contamination free in a closed loop, thus creating two separate circuits.
- Primary / Internal circuit in which the process fluid / gas circulates inside the coil
Secondary / External circuit where water is sprayed over the coil and mixes with outside air
- Limited impact of scaling on cooling performance over time
- Minimum deterioration of cooling performance due to scaling, overtime
- Honeycomb PVC Wet deck design for most optimal air & Water usage
- Air Flow – Parallel at coil side & cross at fill side for efficient heat transfer
- Optimized spray water flow to coil for maximum heat transfer
- Continuous coil without welded joints
- Robust corrosion resistant structural material for long life
Large diameter laminar flow nozzles for clog free operation
- Side access door for easy online maintenance
- Electronic De-scaling device for trouble free operation
Direct Drive fan arrangement
Operating Principle
- The refrigerant flows through the coil of the evaporative condenser
- Heat from the refrigerant is rejected through the coil tubes
- Part of the heat is removed directly by the downward induced air and discharged to the surrounding
- Rest of the heat is rejected to the water cascading down over the tubes
- Simultaneously, air is drawn in through the air inlet louvers at the base of the evaporative condenser
- Post heat exchange, the condensed refrigerant flows to receiver tank
Why Thermax Evaporative Condensers
Thermax Evaporative Condenser offers unmatched flexibility, providing optimized selections for various refrigeration systems & climatic conditions, utilizing multi flow configuration. Thermax provides the most energy efficient evaporative condenser in the market
- Wide Range of Thermal Duties – Ideal for Ammonia / Freon condensation with low approach
- Retro Fit & Replacement— Single air inlet models are designed and fit into the existing system
- Selection Customization — can optimize footprint and least Power requirements to suit project requirements, large product range & Customized Material of Construction
- Largest sales & support network across India